Refactoring legacy notebooks

This tutorial shows how to convert legacy notebooks into Ploomber pipelines.


If you don’t have a sample notebook, download one from here.

or execute:

curl -O

The only requirement for your notebook is to separate sections with H2 headings:


Here’s an example notebook with three sections separated by H2 headings:


Once your notebook is ready, you can refactor it with:

# install soorgeon
pip install soorgeon

# refactor the nb.ipynb notebook
soorgeon refactor nb.ipynb


Sometimes, soorgeon may not be able to split your notebook sections, if so, run soorgeon refactor nb.ipynb --single-task to generate a pipeline with one task. If you have questions, send us a message on Slack.

The command above will generate a pipeline.yaml with your pipeline declaration and .ipynb tasks (one per section).

You can also tell Soorgeon to generate tasks in .py format:

# generate tasks in .py format (requires soorgeon>=0.0.13)
soorgeon refactor nb.ipynb --file-format py

Note that due to the Jupyter integration, you can open .py files as notebooks in Jupyter


To run the pipeline:

# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# run Ploomber pipeline
ploomber build

That’s it! Now that you have a Ploomber pipeline, you can benefit from all our features! If you want to learn more about the framework, check out the basic concepts tutorial.
