SQL Pipelines

This guide explains how to develop pipelines where some of all tasks are SQL scripts.


This tutorial shows the built-in SQL features. However, this is not the only way for Ploomber to interact with databases. You may as well create functions (or scripts) that run queries in a database. The primary benefit of using the built-in features is that Ploomber manages many things for you (such as active connections, running queries in parallel, dumping tables to local files), so you only write .sql files.


Check out our JupySQL library. It allows you to run SQL in a Jupyter notebook: result = %sql SELECT * FROM table

Quick Start

If you want to take a look at the sample pipeline, you have a few options:

Or run it locally:

ploomber examples --name templates/spec-api-sql

You can also refer to this README file for more information on using SQL scripts to manipulate data in a database, dump a table, and plot it with Python.

Creating Sample Data

To create sample data, you can run the following code:

# create sample data
cd setup
bash setup.sh
# move back to the original spec-api-sql folder
cd ..

Connecting To Databases


For a more detailed explanation on connecting to a database, see: Database configuration.

The first step to write a SQL pipeline is to tell Ploomber how to connect to the database, by providing a function that returns either a ploomber.clients.SQLAlchemyClient or a ploomber.clients.DBAPIClient. These two clients cover all databases supported by Python, even systems like Snowflake or Apache Hive.

SQLAlchemyClient takes a single argument, the database URI (Click here for documentation on sqlalchemy URIs.). As the name suggests, it uses SQLAlchemy under the hood, so any database supported by such library is supported as well. Below, there’s is an example that connects to a local SQLite database:

from ploomber.clients import SQLAlchemyClient

def get_client():
    return SQLAlchemyClient('sqlite:///database.db')

If SQLAlchemy doesn’t support your database, you must use ploomber.clients.DBAPIClient instead. Refer to the documentation for details.

Configuring The Task Client In pipeline.yaml

To configure your pipeline.yaml to run a SQL task, source must be a path to the SQL script. To indicate how to load the client, you have to include the client key:

    source: sql/create-table.sql
    client: clients.get_client
    # task declaration continues...

client must be a dotted path to a function that instantiates a client. If your pipeline.yaml and clients.py are in the same folder, you should be able to do this directly. If they are in a different folder, you’ll have to ensure that the function is importable.

You can reuse the same dotted path in many tasks. However, since it is common for many tasks to query the same database, you may declare a task-level client like this:

    # all SQLScript tasks use the same client instance
    SQLScript: config.get_client
    # all SQLDump tasks use the same client instance
    SQLDump: config.get_client

    source: sql/create-table.sql
    # no need to add client here

SQLScript (creates a table/view), and SQLDump (dump to a local file) are the two most common types of SQL tasks, let’s review them in detail.

Creating SQL Tables/Views With SQLScript

If you want to organize your SQL processing in multiple steps, you can use SQLScript to generate one table/view per task. The declaration in the pipeline.yaml file looks like this:

    source: sql/create-table.sql
    client: clients.get_client
    product: [schema, name, table]

product can be a list with three elements: [schema, name, kind], or 2: [name, kind]. Where kind can be table or view.

A typical script (sql/create-table.sql in our case) looks like this:


CREATE TABLE {{product}} AS
SELECT * FROM schema.clean
# continues...

This DROP TABLE ... CREATE TABLE .. format ensures that the table (or view) is deleted before creating a new version if the source code changes.

Note that we are using a {{product}} placeholder in our script, this will be replaced at runtime for the name value in tasks[*].product (in our case: schema.name.

SQLScript And Product’s Metadata

Incremental builds (What are incremental builds?) allow you speed up pipeline execution. To enable this, Ploomber keeps track of source code changes. When tasks generate files (say data.csv), a metadata file is saved next to the product file (e.g., .data.csv.metadata).

To enable incremental builds in SQLScript tasks, you must configure a product metadata backend.

If you are using PostgreSQL, you can use ploomber.products.PostgresRelation; if using SQLite, you can use ploomber.products.SQLiteRelation. In both cases, metadata is saved in the same database where the tables/views are created. Hence, you can reuse the task client. Here’s an example if using PostgreSQL:

    # configure pipeline to use PostgresRelation by default
        SQLScript: PostgresRelation

# same client for task and product
    SQLScript: clients.get_pg_client
    PostgresRelation: clients.get_pg_client

    source: sql/create-table.sql
    product: [schema, name, table]

For any other database, you have two options, either use ploomber.products.SQLRelation which is a product that does not save any metadata at all (this means you don’t get incremental builds) or use ploomber.products.GenericSQLRelation, which stores metadata in a SQLite database.

A typical configuration to enable incremental builds looks like this:

        SQLScript: GenericSQLRelation

    SQLScript: clients.get_db_client
    GenericSQLRelation: clients.get_metadata_client

    source: sql/create-table.sql
    name: some_task

Don’t confuse the task’s client with the product’s client. Task clients control where to execute the code. Product clients manage where to save metadata.

Placeholders In SQL Scripts

You can reference the product list in your pipeline.yaml in your script using the {{product}} placeholder. For example [schema, name, table] renders to: schema.name.

To specify upstream dependencies, use the {{upstream['some_task']}} placeholder. Here’s a complete example:

-- {{product}} gets replaced by the value in pipeline.yaml

CREATE TABLE {{product}} AS
-- this task depends on the output generated by a task named "clean"
SELECT * FROM {{upstream['clean']}}
WHERE x > 10

Let’s say our product is [schema, name, table] And the task named clean generates a product schema.clean, the script above renders to:


CREATE TABLE schema.name AS
SELECT * FROM schema.clean
WHERE x > 10

If you want to see the rendered code for any task, execute the following in the terminal:

ploomber task task_name --source

(Change task_name for the task you want)


when executing a SQL script, you usually want to replace any existing table/view. Some databases support the DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement to do so, but other databases (e.g., Oracle) have different procedures. Check your database’s documentation for details.


Some database drivers do not support sending multiple statements to the database in a single call (e.g., SQLite), in such case, you can use the split_source parameter in either SQLAlchemyClient or DBAPIClient to split your statements and execute them one at a time, allowing you to write a single .sql file to perform the DROP TABLE IF EXISTS then CREATE TABLE AS logic.

The following diagram shows our example pipeline along with some sample source code for each task and the rendered version.


Dumping Data With SQLDump


SQLDump only works with ploomber.clients.SQLAlchemyClient.

A minimal SQLDump example is available here

If you want to dump the result of a SQL query, use ploomber.tasks.SQLDump. Configuring this task is very similar to a regular SQL task:

    # client for the database to pull data from
    SQLDump: clients.get_client

    # some sql tasks here...

    # dump the output of dump-query.sql
    source: sql/dump-query.sql
    # since this is a SQL dump, product is a path to a file
    product: output/data.csv

    # some python tasks here...

If you want to dump an entire table, you can do:

SELECT * FROM {{upstream['some_task']}}

Note that SQLDump only works with SQLAlchemyClient. Product must be a file with .csv or .parquet extension.

By default, SQLDump downloads data in chunks of 10,000 rows, but yu can change this value:

    source: sql/dump-query.sql
    product: output/data.csv
    # set chunksize to 1 million rows
    chunksize: 1000000

To dump a single file: chunksize: null.


Downloading .parquet in chunks may yield errors if the schema inferred from one chunk is not the same as the one in another chunk. If you experience an issue, either change to .csv or set chunksize: null.


SQLDump works with all databases supported by Python because it relies on pandas to dump data. However, this introduces a performance overhead. So if you’re dumping large tables, consider implementing a solution optimized for your database.

Other SQL Tasks

There are other SQL tasks not covered here, check out the documentation for details:

Where To Go From Here