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Intro to Ploomber

Your first Python pipeline

Introductory tutorial to learn the basics of Ploomber.

Ploomber Tutorial Intro

We’ll forcast the relation between testing and active covid-19 cases.

We’ll see today how you can improve your work:

  • Run 100s of notebooks in parallel

  • Parameterize your workflows

  • Easily generate HTML/PDF reports

For a deeper dive, try the first-pipeline guide or the basic concepts overview. If YAML, Jupyter and notebooks sounds like a distant cousin, please check our basic concepts guide.


  • Ploomber creates a pipeline for you, so you can run independent tasks simultaneously.

  • It also cache the results so you don’t have to wait. You can drop the force=True (last line) and rerun this cell.

In here we’ll train 4 different models simultaneously, and see it in a graph:

from ploomber import DAG
from ploomber.tasks import ShellScript, PythonCallable
from ploomber.products import File
from ploomber.executors import Parallel

from ploomber.spec import DAGSpec
spec = DAGSpec('./pipeline.yaml')
dag = spec.to_dag()
# dag.executor = Parallel()
build =
fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref
/home/prem/Documents/projects/ploomber/ploomberw/ploomber/src/ploomber/executors/ UserWarning:
=========================== DAG build with warnings ============================
- NotebookRunner: linear-regression -> MetaProduct({'nb': File('output/...ession.ipynb')}) -
- /home/prem/Documents/projects/ploomber/ploomber-projectsw/ploomber-projects/guides/intro-to-ploomber/tasks/ -
Output '/home/prem/Documents/projects/ploomber/ploomber-projectsw/ploomber-projects/guides/intro-to-ploomber/output/linear-regression.ipynb' is a notebook file. nbconvert_export_kwargs {'exclude_input': True} will be ignored since they only apply when exporting the notebook to other formats such as html. You may change the extension to apply the conversion parameters
=============================== Summary (1 task) ===============================
NotebookRunner: linear-regression -> MetaProduct({'nb': File('output/...ession.ipynb')})
=========================== DAG build with warnings ============================


Parameterize workflows

  • In many cases, you’d run your analysis with different parameters/different data slices

  • Ploomber allows you to parametrize workflows easily

  • Here we’re training a linear regression with different parameters, using a notebook as template

from ploomber.spec import DAGSpec
spec = DAGSpec('./pipeline-params.yaml')
dag = spec.to_dag()
build =
fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref

Caching optimization

Note that the previous table has load ran as fail?

This task ran in a previous pipeline so there’s no point of reruning it. (we can force it to run if needed).

In the next table, all of the pipeline results were cached so we can focus on code that changed only, saving hours of compute time.

build =
name Ran? Elapsed (s) Percentage
load False 0 0
clean False 0 0
split False 0 0
linear-regression-0False 0 0
linear-regression-1False 0 0

Automated reports

In case we have a dataset to track/a stakeholder report, we can generate it as part of our workflow. We created the report as part of our first cell pipeline build, so we can consume it immediately. Let’s load our stakeholder report from our previous linear regression task:

# open each specific html report/data if exist
from IPython.display import IFrame, display
from pathlib import Path

report = "./output/linear-regression.html"
if Path(report).is_file():
    display(IFrame(src=report, width='100%', height='500px'))
    print("Report doesn't exist - please run the notebook sequentially")
Report doesn't exist - please run the notebook sequentially

Interactive reporting

Compare your previous experiments interactively

from sklearn_evaluation import NotebookCollection
# ids to identify each experiment
ids = [
      'linear-regression', 'polynomial-regression', 'random-forest', 'lasso-regression'

# output files
files = [f'output/{i}.ipynb' for i in ids]

nbs = NotebookCollection(paths=files, ids=ids)

Where to go from here

Use cases

Community support

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Bring your own code! Check out the tutorial to migrate your code to Ploomber.

Want to dig deeper into Ploomber’s core concepts? Check out the basic concepts tutorial.

Want to start a new project quickly? Check out how to get examples.