Command line interface

This document summarizes commonly used commands. To get full details, execute ploomber --help or ploomber {command_name} --help.

When applicable, we use this sample pipeline to demonstrate which tasks will be executed after issuing a given command:

graph LR A --> B1 --> C --> D A --> B2 --> C class A outdated class B1 outdated class B2 uptodate class C outdated class D outdated

Assume yellow tasks are outdated and green tasks are up-to-date.

Executed tasks are shown in blue and skipped tasks are shown in white in diagrams below.

Build pipeline

ploomber build

Execute your pipeline end-to-end and speed it up by skipping tasks whose source code has not changed.

graph LR A --> B1 --> C --> D A --> B2 --> C class A executed class B1 executed class B2 skipped class C executed class D executed

(Skips B2 because it’s up-to-date)

Build pipeline (forced)

ploomber build --force

Execute all tasks regardless of status.

graph LR A --> B1 --> C --> D A --> B2 --> C class A executed class B1 executed class B2 executed class C executed class D executed

Build pipeline partially

ploomber build --partially C

Builds your pipeline until it reaches task named C.

graph LR A --> B1 --> C --> D A --> B2 --> C class A executed class B1 executed class B2 skipped class C executed class D skipped

(Skips B2 because it’s up-to-date)

(Skips D because it’s not needed to build C)

To force the execution of tasks regardless of status, use the --force/-f option.

You can also select several tasks at the same time using wildcards:

ploomber build --partially 'fit-*' # note the single quotes

The previous command will execute all tasks with the fit-* prefix and all their upstream dependencies.

You may skip building upstream dependencies using the --skip-upstream

ploomber build --partially 'fit-*' --skip-upstream # note the single quotes

Note that the previous command fails if the upstream products of fit-* tasks do not exist yet.


ploomber plot

Creates a pipeline plot and stores it.

New in Ploomber 0.18.2: You can plot the pipeline without installing extra dependencies. pygraphviz is still supported but optional. To learn more, see this.

To include the task’s products in the plot (only supported when using the pygraphviz backend):

ploomber plot --include-products


ploomber status

Show a table with pipeline status. For each task: name, last execution time, status, product, docstring (first line) and file location.


ploomber report

Create an HTML report and save it in a pipeline.html file. The file includes the pipeline plot and a table with a summary for each task.

Build a single task

graph LR A --> B1 --> C --> D A --> B2 --> C class A skipped class B1 skipped class B2 skipped class C executed class D skipped
ploomber task C

To force execution regardless of status use the --force/-f option.

Get task status

ploomber task task_name --status

If you also want to build the task, you must explicitly pass --build.

Task source code

ploomber task task_name --source

If you also want to build the task, you must explicitly pass --build.

Create new project

The scaffold command allows you to start a new project:

ploomber scaffold

The command above generates a project with sample pipeline. To create an empty project:

ploomber scaffold --empty

New in 0.16: You can pass a positional argument ploomber scaffold myproject.

Note that if you run this command in a folder that already has a pipeline.yaml in a Default locations, it will parse your pipeline declaration looking for declared tasks whose source code file does not exist and proceed to create them.

ploomber scaffold

If you’d like to package your project:

ploomber scaffold --package

After creating a project, you can install dependencies with the ploomber install command (to learn more: install).

For a tutorial on the ploomber scaffold command: Scaffolding projects.


ploomber install installs dependencies:

ploomber install

ploomber install installs dependencies using pip if a requirements.txt file exists or conda, if an environment.yml file exists.

New in 0.16: ploomber install has a few options to customize set up, run ploomber install --help to learn more.

New in 0.16: ploomber install will install dependencies in the current environment, you can request creating a virtual environment with the --create-env option, which will use venv or conda (if installed). Previously, it always created a new environment

Upon installation, ploomber install generates lock files that contain specific versions for all required packages. Lock files are useful for ensuring the stability of your project since upgrades to your dependencies may break your code. To install from lock files:

ploomber install --use-lock

New in 0.16: ploomber install (without arguments) will use lock files if they exist. Otherwise, it’ll use regular files.


nb is short for notebook. This command manages notebooks and scripts in your pipeline.

Inject cell to scripts and notebooks in your pipeline:

ploomber nb --inject

Enable opening .py as notebooks in JupyterLab with one click on the file:

ploomber nb --single-click

Re-format .ipynb notebooks as .py files with the percent format:

ploomber nb -f py:percent

Re-format .py files as .ipynb notebooks:

ploomber nb -f ipynb

The rest of the options are useful when using editors such as VSCode or PyCharm or when running old JupyterLab versions (<2.x). When using recent JupyterLab versions, script/notebooks management is automatically performed by the Jupyter plug-in.

Other commands are available, run ploomber nb --help to learn more.

Interactive sessions

To start an interactive session:

ploomber interact

Your pipeline is available in the dag variable. Refer to ploomber.DAG documentation for details.

Doing dag['task_name'] returns a Task instance, all task instances have a common API, but there are a few differences. Refer to the tasks documentation for details: Tasks.

The CLI guide describes some of the most common use cases for interactive sessions: Interactive sessions.


To get a copy of the examples from the Github repository.

List examples:

ploomber examples

Get one:

ploomber examples --name {name}

To download in a specific location:

ploomber examples --name {name} --output path/to/dir

For a tutorial on the ploomber examples command: Downloading templates.

Default locations

If you don’t pass the --entry-point/-e argument to the command line, Ploomber will try to find one automatically by searching for a pipeline.yaml file at the current directory and parent directories.

If no such file exists, it looks for a If it exists, it searches for a src/{pkg}/pipeline.yaml file where {pkg} is a folder with any name. is only required for packaged projects.

If your pipeline has a different filename, you can create a setup.cfg file and indicate what file you want to set as default. Note that changing the default affects both the command-line interface and the Jupyter plug-in.

entry-point = path/to/pipeline.yaml

Note that paths are relative to the parent directory of setup.cfg.

Alternatively, you may set the ENTRY_POINT environment variable to a different filename (e.g., export ENTRY_POINT=pipeline.serve.yaml). Note that this must be a filename, not a path to a file.

If you want to know which file will be used based on your project’s layout:

ploomber status --help

Look at the --entry-point description in the printed output.


New in version 0.19.6: Support for switching entry point with a setup.cfg file