Hooks (e.g., on_finish)

Hooks allow you to execute an arbitrary function when a task finishes:

  1. on_render executes right before executing the task.

  2. on_finish executes when a task finishes successfully.

  3. on_failure executes when a task errors during execution.

Suppose your pipeline.yaml looks like this:

    - source: tasks.my_task
      product: products/output.csv
      on_render: hooks.on_render
      on_finish: hooks.on_finish
      on_failure: hooks.on_failure

And your hooks.py file looks like this:

def on_render():
    print('this runs before executing my_task')

def on_finish():
    print('this runs when my_task executes without errors!')

def on_failure():
    print('this runs when my_task raise an exception during execution!')

Hooks can take parameters; for example, you may add the product parameter to the hook, and Ploomber will call the hook with the product for the corresponding task. Adding arguments is useful when your hook needs information from the task. Furthermore, you can pass arbitrary parameters loaded from the pipeline.yaml. To learn more about hook parameters click here.

Tip: Developing hooks interactively

If you want to develop hooks interactively, you may start a session inside your hook like this:

def on_finish(product):
    from IPython import embed; embed()
    print('this runs when my_task executes without errors!')

Once you execute your pipeline, an interactive session will start. Interactive sessions are useful to explore the arguments (such as product) that your hook can request.

If you want to exclusively run the on_finish hook (and skip task’s execution):

ploomber task {task-name} --on-finish


  1. For a detailed look at the hooks API, click here.

  2. For a tutorial, check out Pipeline testing, which is an in-depth guide of using on_finish for data testing.

DAG-level hooks

There are also DAG-level hooks, which work similarly. Declare them at the top section of your pipeline.yaml file:

# dag-level hooks
on_render: hooks.on_render
on_finish: hooks.on_finish
on_failure: hooks.on_failure

    - source: tasks.my_task
      product: products/output.csv

Click here to learn more.